Welcome to Lakeville Area Community Education
Lakeville Area Community Education program was initiated in 1972. It was inspired by the lighted school philosophy which held that school facilities should be open to communities beyond the normal school day because of their value in community building and because they belonged to the taxpayers. The philosophy was that education is not just for children aged 5 to 18; education is for people from the “cradle to the grave” and public schools have a responsibility for educating all ages. Lakeville Area Community Education embraces this philosophy to this day with extensive programming from birth through adulthood.
As an integral part of the Lakeville Area Public School District, Community Education delivers a wide range of educational opportunities for learners of every age. Community Education is also an opportunity for local citizens and community schools, agencies and institutions to become active partners in addressing education and community concerns. Community Education brings community members together to identify and link community needs and resources in a manner that helps people to help themselves raise the quality of life in their communities.
– Adapted from the Minnesota Community Education Association
Our Mission
To provide learning opportunities and resources for our community to develop life-long skills.
Our Vision
To be leaders in innovation and community engagement.
Embracing Lifelong Learning
From Birth through Adulthood Lakeville Area Community Education provides many opportunities for lifelong learning. Whether it is an Early Childhood Family Education class or an Adult Enrichment class, you have the chance to improve physical and mental well-being through Lakeville Area Community Education.
Check out all of our classes and programs at isd194.ce.eleyo.com.