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ECFE Advisory Council


ECFE Advisory Council


Council members, top row: Molly Dexter, Emily Ost, Katie Withers, Morgan McDowell, Carrie Tacheny, Anna Olson and Moriah Demers.  Bottom row: Jae Henry, Sangyi Lee, Laurie Lawson, Gabrielle Hargis, Falis Idiga and Shannon Grazzini. Not pictured: Taci Gregory, Betsy Hoeft, Mariah Kranowski. and Elise Schoenrock. 



The Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) Advisory Council advises the administration of the Community Education Department on the District's early childhood programs. The advisory council offers feedback and input on program areas including current offerings, development and outreach, evaluation, and resource assessment.



Membership shall consist of an appropriate number of members determined by the council's officers. This council shall reflect the diversity of the school district and shall include:

  • Program staff represented by ECFE Manager 
  • Parents of children birth to grade three enrolled in ECFE shall comprise the majority of the council
  • Community residents with an interest in fulfilling the mission of the ECFE program.


The Advisory Council meets monthly, June through May (no meetings will be held in July or December), for a total of 10 meetings. Childcare is provided. 

Meetings are open to the public and links for virtual/distance participation are provided upon request. Members are expected to attend all meetings with allowances for reasonable absences.

Administrative Contact

Molly Dexter
Director of Early Learning

Apply to be a Member

A common application process for advisory councils opens in the spring, typically in April, for the district to consider the acceptance of new members. Notification of this process will be shared with the community shortly before the application opens. In the application, interested parties can select their top choices for which advisory councils they would like to apply to.

Visit our Advisory Councils page for the application link (when open) and to learn about all our advisory councils.

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